Mongolia’s Deputy PM honoured as Asia DRR Champion

2017-08-17 10:57 Source:UNISDR


The Deputy Prime Minister of Mongolia, H.E. U. Khurelsukh (right) is recognized as Asian Champion for Disaster Risk Reduction by SRSG Mr Robert Glasser at the Global Platform 2017 in Mexico (Photo: UNISDR)


CANCUN, 26 May 2017 – The Deputy Prime Minister of Mongolia, H.E. U. Khurelsukh was today recognized as an Asian Champion for Disaster Risk Reduction at the Global Platform in Mexico. 

H.E. U. Khurelsukh received the award from United Nations Secretary General’s Special Representative for Disaster Risk Reduction Mr Robert Glasser for his consistent passion, commitment and achievement on the issue. 

Mr Glasser announced the award at a roundtable of ministers and senior government officials from countries which had hosted previous Regional and Global platforms for DRR. 

He highlighted the Deputy Prime Minister’s lead on preparations for Mongolia’s hosting of the Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR 2018), which will be co-organized with UNISDR, in Ulaanbaatar, in July 2018. 

Mr Glasser said the role of champion came with a big responsibility but that he was confident that H.E. U. Khurelsukh would provide a lead on DRR both in Mongolia and across Asia. 

“The Deputy Prime Minister of Mongolia has a consistent track record of leadership and achievement in several key areas, including governance, urban seismic resilience, strengthening insurance and public-private partnership. 

“He has created an enabling environment for the country’s National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) to coordinate cross-sector efforts in disaster risk management. 

“He has also encouraged increasing engagement with the private sector and strengthened disaster preparedness and response throughout the country. He is a worthy DRR champion for the Asia region as Mongolia prepares to host what surely will be a successful AMCDRR 2018.” 

In accepting the Championship H.E. U. Khurelsukh said: “I am humbled to receive this award. I would like to dedicate it to all the thousands of staff, rescuers, emergency personnel and volunteers in my country who prepare for and respond to disasters with such dedication and professionalism. 

“I commit to use all of my passion and experience for the benefit of the Asia region and help other countries and partners as best I can to prevent and reduce disaster risk and losses. Mongolia looks forward to welcoming the DRR community to Ulaanbaatar next year for the AMCDRR 2018.”


26 May 2017


United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR)


Insurance & Risk Transfer, Governance, Structural Safety


