Global Platform calls for innovation

2018-12-03 20:31 Source:UNISDR

By Jeanette Elsworth

Geneva, 26 November 2018 – The UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) has called for innovative ideas and approaches for DRR to be showcased at its most prominent conference, the Global Platform.

The 2019 Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction will be the first to feature a dedicated Innovation Platform. The aim is to attract, showcase and display applications of new and innovative approaches in disaster risk reduction.

Innovation proposals can be related to a number of areas, such as new methodologies to implement disaster risk reduction, or the use of new technology, innovative awareness-raising or educational activities.

In addition to the Innovation Platform itself, innovation at the conference will be explored through a series of activities that include an exhibit, a public performance, training and the emphasis of innovation as a cross-cutting concept throughout the sessions.

The objective of this is to create an environment conducive to awareness-raising, behaviour change, as well as to ensure inter-disciplinary cross-fertilization of ideas, and to reach out beyond the more specialized DRR community so that new partnerships can evolve.

Calls for proposals to the Innovation Platform are open from now until 15 January 2019.


26 Nov 2018


United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR)


Capacity Development, Advocacy & Media, Disaster Risk Management


Africa, Americas, Europe, Asia, Oceania
