Mexico Hosts Record Gathering on Disaster Prevention

2017-09-13 18:21 Source:UNISDR


“The Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction is a major milestone for a world that is fighting for its very survival against climate change. All the agreements are in place, now we have to act and implement them.” The Chair of the Global Platform and head of the Mexican Civil Protection Agency, Mr. Luis Felipe Puentes said: “The government of Mexico is pleased to host this Conference as a sign of our own commitment to disaster risk management and reducing disaster losses. It is our wish that this busy week of activity will add momentum and urgency to global efforts to implement the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.

“The goal is to agree concrete recommendations and practical solutions to build resilience to disasters. We hope also to make progress on breaking down the silos between action on climate and disaster risk. Integration and coherence are strong themes of this Global Platform.” Mr. Puentes will present the Chair’s Summary, the Global Platform outcome on Friday.

The three day event will open on May 24 with a Leaders’ Forum which will hear the views of some of the world’s most disaster exposed economies.

The conclusions and recommendations from two preparatory events, conferences on multi-hazard early warning systems and practical solutions for SIDS, will also feed into the Global Platform which will hold four plenary sessions, and over 60 special sessions, working sessions and side events.

Another highlight of the week and further proof that the world is improving its understanding of disaster impacts at national and local level is the data readiness review carried out by UNISDR in preparation for the launch of the Sendai Framework monitor which will measure reductions in disaster losses from 2020 to 2030 against agreed baselines. A total of 87 countries from all regions have participated in the review thus far.

Among the outcomes will be a Leaders Forum communique and the Chair’s Summary which will relay the Conference’s overall recommendations. This is the first time that the Global Platform has been held outside Geneva, Switzerland, home to the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction which is co-organizing the Global Platform with the Government of Mexico.


23 May 2017


United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR)


Early Warning, Governance


