Is your home built to last?

2018-07-19 21:44 Source:UNISDR


In it Mr. Papadopoulos compares our homes to the attractive but unsafe cars of the 1960s; traditionally we commit huge effort and funds on cosmetic repairs each year but nearly nothing on the relatively little it would take to make them stronger and safer.

With this in mind, the film sets out to create better-informed and more conscientious consumers.

“Most people don’t appreciate that building codes are a political issue,” says Julie Rochman, Former CEO of the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety which developed a “crash-test” for homes. “They just assume that they’ve bought a house, therefore it must be well-built or somebody wouldn’t be able to sell it to them.”

“When people brag about their house being built to code, it’s really nothing to brag about,” says Rochman.

Built to Last? begins broadcasting this summer in the UK and around the globe. For broadcast information go to The European premier launch event took place last night at the London School of Economics.


28 Jun 2018


United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR)


Advocacy & Media


Philippines, United Kingdom, United States of America


Americas, Europe, Asia
